---------S P E C I L--------------------------------------------
JUL 30 TO AUG -02
These beautiful sceneric coral areas can be visited in Hikkaduwa sea area by glass fitted boats. In this area stones with the shape of butterfly and other ...
Sri lanka has 138 species of corals in beautiful chaps and colors, among them are stag-horn, dome, star, flower and black corals, madrepores, mille pores , pocillpores and dendrophyllia
Beautiful reef fish and other exotic species include parrot, lion unicorn, porcupine , Moorish idol , emperor angel , powder-blue surgeon and clown as well as grouper, stingray, marlin, caranx , jack, tuna, snapper barracuda ,shoe – lobster , octopus ,murrayeel and manta schools of whales can also be sighted off the east coast, especially at trincomalee
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