The Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara is one of the most sacred worshipping places of the Buddhists of Sri Lanka since it is a site made hallowed by the visit of Lord Buddha. In the past Kelaniya itself was a large city and the Kelani Raja Maha Viharaya was one of the largest and one of the most beautiful temples of Sri Lanka.Situated about six miles from Colombo, set within a sacred area of around ten acres, the Kelani Vihara stands beside the Kelani river as evidence of a Buddhist tradition in this country.The spot on which this vihara stands derived its sanctity in the Buddhist era 2531, with the third visit of the Buddha to this country. He hallowed this ground by His visit accompanied by 500 Arahants.
The fact that the Buddha visited the spot on a Wesak day on the invitation of King Maniakkhika is given in the historic epics of Sri Lanka.Fifty people can stay at once in the Wiharamahadewi rest room.It will charge Rs. 1500.00 for one night.You should get the permission for the rest room,calling to Mr.Kamal Samaraweera,who is incharge of the rest room.
Address - Incharge of the rest room.Kamal V. Samaraweera,Wiharamahadewi rest room,Kelaniya.
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