Hall Of Fame -Our History

Sanchare' was talented enough to receive The Presidential award for a consecutive period of 3 years. Without Ur helping hands i don't think v must have not succeeded the dream. Thanks you very much for making sanchare the No 1 programme.
- Nade Gura & D Nade -

Maligathanna - මාලිගාතැන්න

Maligathanna - මාලිගාතැන්න

1 comment:

Nade gura said...

Here is a large Bo tree surrounded by a ram part on the summit of the rock. The holes to be seen on surface of the rock are oneTs perforated for the purpose of installation of pillars. While there several rock caves which are in use since the period B.C in midst of them. (B.C via early Anuradhapura period.) legend has it that this place had become a hide-out for the king Walagamba and the refuge was provided to the king and the ministers during enemy invasions while the country was under the Portuguese rule also legend has it that it was in this place where the tooth relic lord Buddha was kept by the Hiripitiye Rala who was holding the office of Diyawadana Nilame of Dalada maligawa