Hall Of Fame -Our History

Sanchare' was talented enough to receive The Presidential award for a consecutive period of 3 years. Without Ur helping hands i don't think v must have not succeeded the dream. Thanks you very much for making sanchare the No 1 programme.
- Nade Gura & D Nade -


This park is one of Sri Lanka's smallest but most valuable con-servation areas for elephants and endemic birds.
Location :
Park lies in the basin of the Heda Oya, 16km inland from the coastal town of Pottuvil in Eastern Province. The Pottuvil Moneragala trunk road runs through the south eastern sector of the park.
Access :
The route would be the same as the approach to Yala East Na-tional Park from Colombo. The routes fork off at Pelmadulla and meet again at Wellawaya, one going via Beragala, Koslanda and the other via Thimbolketiya, Udawalawe and Thanamalwila. From Wellawaya the route would be via Moneragala. It is approxi-mately 318km from Colombo. The park office is situated at Lahugala.
Physical Features :
 The terrain is flat with occasional rock outcrops. The park fea¬tures three tanks, Lahugala (243ha), Kitulana and Sengamuwa, which ultimately drain into the Heda Oya. These tanks are largely silted up and support an abundance of beru grass. The area of the park is l,554ha.
 Climate :
Mean annual rainfall is 1650 mm. There are two dry periods, from May to October and from mid-January to March. The north¬east monsoon lasts from November to the end of December. Date and
History of Establishment : 
The area was declared as a sanctuary on 01st July 1966 upgraded to national park on 31st October 1980. Cultural Heritage :
Nearby is the historic site of Magulmahavihara, built for the occasion of King Kavantissas's marriage to Viharamaha Devi.

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Galoya(gal oya) - Boat-ride.

The only National Wildlife Sanctuary of Sri Lanka which offers an opportunity to travel through it by boat, is the Galoya Wildlife Sanctuary. The journey may span a minimum of 07 to 08 hours. Between 05 and 10 people could travel in one boat while the amount per person is Rs. 650.00. A fee of Rs. 400.00 is charged generally for the whole group, as service charges. As the distance travelled reduces, the fee decreases. The final destination of the Galoya Boat-ride is the area known as Makara, situated 17 kilometers away.

The extent of the Iginiyagala reservoir is 9324 hectares. The Galoya Wildlife reserve surrounding it is 25,900 hectares in extent. On the South is the Badurawela mountain range, and on the North, the Danigala and Degela wela ranges. Apart from Galoya, the Sellakkaoya and Kaballa bay oya join the reservoir
From the season starting from October, birds are seen almost everywhere. They are seen to build nests on a decayed tree standing in the middle of the Iginiyagala lake and the surrounding islands during this period. One of the places in Sri Lanka where swimming elephants could be observed is Galoya. Apart from tortoises, the types of fish such as Thilapiya, Korali, Rogu and Catalo are present in the reservoir.
Permission is given to rest and cook food at the destination of the trip, "Makara". Apart from this, for such needs, a few "Galgewal" are situated in the surroundings. They are, the galge-poosa, galge-drakapula and the galge-annasi. The best time for the trip is the period from March to October. It is advisable for bird-watchers to carry a telescope and camera.
-Chakrith Koththagoda-

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