Hall Of Fame -Our History

Sanchare' was talented enough to receive The Presidential award for a consecutive period of 3 years. Without Ur helping hands i don't think v must have not succeeded the dream. Thanks you very much for making sanchare the No 1 programme.
- Nade Gura & D Nade -

Passikuda and Kallkuda-පාසිකුඩා සහ කල්කුඩා

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Sri lanka’s most perfect pristine beaches are on its east coast. Its assets include wide endless expanses
Silky white sands, shallow jewel-blue. Surf enchanting bays. Sweeping harbors sleepy lagoons, vest underwater coral meadows and plentiful bird-life, the choicest of beaches are at pasekuda and kalkuda
It’s a famous swimming point, 30 km from Batticaloa and 60km from Valachchanai>
From Passikuda - Batticaloa
පාසිකුඩා සහ කල්කුඩා
යුද්ධයේ සහ සුනාමියේ අදුරු ක`ථ රළ මතින් පා`ථවට ගිය ලංකාවේ සුන්දරතම වෙරළ තීරයක් වන පාසිකුඩා සහ කල්කුඩා නැවත මතු කර දැක්වීම මෙවර අපේ අරමුණයි. කඩතොලු වෙරළක මුහුදු බොක්කක් ලෙස අපට සිතියමේ දැක්වෙන පාසිකුඩා වෙරළ නිල්වන් සහ නොගැඹුරු හෙයින් යුද්ධයට පෙර අතීතයේදී දෙස් විදෙස් සංචාරකයන්ගෙන් පිරී පැවතිණි. එහි ශිර දෙ විභූතිය දැනටත් නටඹුන්ව ඇති හෝටල් විසින් පෙන්නුම් කර දෙයි. වර්තමානයේදී ඔබ එහි යා යුත්තේ පාසිකුඩා වෙරළට ජනග`ග ගැලීම හේතුවෙන් නැවතත් එවන් වූ සොදුරු වෙරළ සංචාරක පාරාදීසයක් එහි ගොඩ නැ`ගීමට ඔබට ද දායකත්වය ලබාදීමට හේතු වන බැවිනි.

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Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary

The Anawilundawa wetland sanctuary is located between the coast and the Chilaw (10km)Puttalam railway line, in the Puttalam District of the North western province of Sri Lanka and covers an extent of 1400 hectares. From Chilaw Puttlam road, you will find a junction named anavirundawa. From that end if you have to travel through, then you will reach the anavirundawa bird watching site
.This is one of the'' Ramsar ''wetlands in sri Lanka (the other two are Bundala and Maduganga) and yes it is a marvellous site for bird watching and bird photographing. You could easily see migrated birds as well as lots of other birds. The main attractions of the Anawilundawa sanctuary are of a large species of animals and birds. At present, 150 recorded bird species at the sanctuary have made it popular among many bird-watching enthusiasts.

The ''Wawa"(tank) system of Anawilundawa is of historical significance, The system consists of seven small cascading reservoirs namely, Pinkattiya, Wellawela, Maradansole, Irrakkawala/ Ihala Wewa, Anawilundawa, Suruwila and Maiyawa. Each tank is connected to the other which makes this tank system that much more exceptional. These tank systems helps sustain traditional paddy fields in the area as well as islets of natural vegetation. The tanks store water in this dry region for irrigation purposes and also play a major role in flood control, retention of pollutants and sediments and nutrient export.-Radika Ragu

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There are two pathways to reach Kataragama during this festive season.
The very first comfortable pathways is when you travel though the Country side;From Colombo –drive through to Ratnapura and then reach Kataragama.
Secondly via the beach side; travel through the seaside from
Colombo - Galle- Matara and then easily reach Kataragama
From lunugamwehera
The undermentioned maps clearly shows the pathways, however if you are interested to visit any other destinations passing away, you could easily 'click' on the blue place mark in the map (BLUE BUTTON) where you could easily reach of the details of the destination.
Good luck for a safe journey to Kataragama
"kanda suridu pihitay"
කතරගම වන්දනා සමය සඳහා කතරගම බලා යන සංචාරකයින්ගේ පහසුව වෙනුවෙන් නෙත් එෆ්.එම්. සංචාරය වෙබ් අඩවිය මෙසේ ඔබ වෙත මග කියන්නෙමු. පහත දැක්වෙන සිතියම් දෙක ඔස්සේ කතරගම බලා යන ඔබට අතර මග ඇති සුවිශේෂි සථාන නැරඹීමට අවස්ථාව සැලසෙනු ඇත. සාමාන්‍යයෙන් කොළඹ සිට කතරගම යන මාර්ග දෙකක් ඇත. පළමු වන මාර්ගය රට තුළින් වැටී ඇති අතර එය කොළඹ, අවිස්සාවේල්ල, රත්නපුර හරහා කතරගම දක්වා දිවෙයි.
අනෙක් මග මුහුදුබඩ මාර්ගය වන අතර එය ගාල්ල, මාතර, හම්බන්තොට ඔස්සේ කතරගමට ළඟාවිය හැකිය. මේ මාර්ගවලින් කොයි මාර්ගයේ ගියත් ඔබට බලාගත හැකි ‍තැන් රාශියකි. පහත සිතියම්වල නිල් පාට රේඛාවෙන් දක්වා ඇත්තේ එම මාර්ගයන්ය. එමෙන්ම එම සිතියම්වල නිල් පාට බෙත්තම් Click කිරීමෙන් අදාළ සුවිශේෂී ස්ථාන පිළිබඳව තොරතුරු ඔබට ලබාගත හැක.
සුබ ගමන්.
කඳසුරිඳු පිහිටයි.

-MAP 01-
Colombo -Rathanapura -katharagama

View Colombo-Rathnapora -kathara in a larger map
-MAP 02 -
Colombo-Matara -Katharagama

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In recent times Sri Lanka is well known as a paradise for tourists. But have you ever thought which the first tourist attraction of this splendid island was. It was Kalpitiya which became first tourism location with the arrival of" Iban Bathutha" centuries ago.

The lagoon and Kalpitiya beach are the most significant tourist attractions for nature lovers, which can be seen in the area. Kalpitiya beach is also considered as one of the most beauteous beaches in Sri Lanka (or even in the world). That’s why Manjula Wediwardane has penned such a gorgeous description on Kalpitiya beach in his famous novel ‘Battalangunduwa’.

Kalpitiya lagoon consists of more than 14 islands, out of which Battalangunduwa is a significant one. Some of these islands are inhibited by humans while several others are isolated completely. But few of these islands are used for various purposes, only in a certain period of the year. In most of these islands you will be able to see the heavy growth of mangrove, as the soil contains all the necessary qualities for its growth. Due to these mangroves migrant birds can be seen all over the area during the migrating season.

There’s a coral reef beneath the sea of Kalpitiya, by which few of the islands have been created. According to scientists this reef is inhibited by various sea creatures including ‘sea pigs’, which gives the reef a high extent of bio diversity.

You will have a chance to go on a boat trip from Kaththakudiya in Kalpitiya, to see ''DOLPHINS''. It said that Kalpitiya Sea is the best area to see dolphins in Sri Lanka (as the deep sea is much nearer to the coast than any other location).

Kalpitiya is also enriched by several sites with an archaeological value.

The Dutch fortress is one such an important place, which was built by Dutch rulers in 1600s. Dutch church, Rose Bank and Koodu palliya (another church) are among other famous Dutch buildings, which reveal the Sri Lankan history. The ‘Allirani palace ‘in Kalpitiya is considered as a building created to memorize Kuweni’s sister.

Kalpitiya is also very famous for crabs and prawns as well as dried fish which consist of special qualities and a taste. Drying fish is an industry widely spread among the inhabitants too. (They use a special method during the process).

So it is worth while to go on a trip to Kalpitiya during your next vacation as it gives you a bunch of experiences on various subjects, which you won’t have from anywhere else in the country.-Dilan Dharshana-
Dolphin Safari-0602293178,0773125763 -Camillus perera

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