Hall Of Fame -Our History

Sanchare' was talented enough to receive The Presidential award for a consecutive period of 3 years. Without Ur helping hands i don't think v must have not succeeded the dream. Thanks you very much for making sanchare the No 1 programme.
- Nade Gura & D Nade -



Sarasavi Studio of the National Film Corporation is a comprehensive film production support facility with 35 mm. Black & White Laboratory facilities, 35 mm. Editing facilities, and two Sound Recording & Mixing Studio facilities for 35 mm. motion pictures.

To visiti the studio, contact,

Nadeeka Gunasekara,The general manager,National film institute,No 303,Bawddhaloka Mawath,Colombo 07.

Otherwise,you can contact Ms.Nadeeka Gunasekara from 011 2580240.

Only for school children.

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